
Lezingen in januari

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Gesteine im Alten Ägypten. Ihre Verwendung und Wertung
Donderdag 7 januari, 18.15 uur

Spreker: John Baines (Oxford)

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The cemeteries of Amarna: New perspectives on life under Akhenaten

Dinsdag 12 januari, 11.00 uur

The study of Amarna’s non-elite cemeteries is providing a wealth of new information on what it was like to live at Amarna during Akhenaten’s reign. This talk will present a summary of the main findings of the work to date and its importance for our understanding of the health, mortuary practices and life experiences of the Amarna population.

Dr Anna Stevens is Assistant Director of the Amarna Project (University of Cambridge) and Lecturer in Archaeology (Monash University). She specialises in the archaeology of Egyptian urbanism.

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Kom Ombo – an urban center in Upper Egypt reappears

Woensdag 13 januari, 20.00 uur

Spreker: Dr. Irene Forstner-Müller (Austrian Archaeological Institute Cairo)

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Een blik in de trappenpiramide: de ondergrondse gangenstelsels van Djoser

Donderdag 14 januari, 19.30 uur

Spreker: Vincent Oeters (KU Leuven)

De beroemde trappenpiramide van Djoser domineert het landschap van Sakkara. Deze piramide werd opgericht voor Netjerykhet, koning van de derde dynastie (c. 2630-2611 v. Chr.). In deze lezing neemt de spreker u mee in een ondergrondse wandeling door de fascinerende gangen van dit piramidecomplex.

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Unearthing Djedkare’s Royal Cemetery at South Saqqara. Recent discoveries and new findings at a forgotten burial site

Woensdag 20 januari, 20.00 uur

Sprekers: Mohamed Megahed & Hana Vymazalová (Charles University in Prague)

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Looking like a god. Jewellery in Old and Middle Kingdom

Woensdag 20 januari, 20.00 uur

Spreker: Wolfram Grajetzki
Kosten: £3

Egyptian jewellery found in burials was often already worn in daily life, but there are also examples made for specifically for burial. These tell us much about how afterlife was seen. In the Old Kingdom, personal adornments for the dead often copy the ornaments of the living, whereas in contrast, the personal adornments of the Middle Kingdom turned the deceased into a god like being (Image copyright of the Metropolitan Museum).


Stones and bones: Tell Timai and the Lost History of the Rosetta Stone

Zaterdag 23 januari, 19.00 uur

Spreker: Dr. Jay Silverstein (Pennsylvania)
Kosten: gratis voor studenten en donateurs van Huis van Horus, anders €5
Voertaal: Engels

De Steen van Rosetta bevat een van de beroemdste inscripties ter wereld. De tweetalige tekst die in de donkere granieten steen in drie verschillende schriften is gebeiteld, beschrijft gebeurtenissen die het lot van de wereld hebben gevormd. Het hellenistische Egypte stond aan de rand van de afgrond en het geslacht dat de wereld Cleopatra VII gaf, kwam bijna tot een einde. In de oude stad Thmouis (nu Tell Timai) bevestigen archeologische vondsten die gebeurtenissen en bieden ze een zeldzaam inzicht in de etnische en politieke spanningen die zich manifesteerden tijdens de Grote Opstand van 204–185 v.Chr. De gevolgen van de rebellie veranderden het Ptolemeïsche Egypte in een tijd die als een cruciaal keerpunt in de geschiedenis van de Klassieke Wereld wordt beschouwd.

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New Perspectives on Ancient Nubia at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Zaterdag 23 januari, 19.00 uur

Spreker: Dr. Denise Doxey

The last thirty years of excavation in southern Egypt and especially Sudan has allowed the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, to house the largest collection of ancient Nubian art outside Khartoum. In antiquity, Nubia was home to a series of powerful kingdoms along the Nile valley. The Nubians produced magnificent and powerful art for thousands of years. In Boston, Egyptian art has upstaged that of Nubia for a century. One reason is that for centuries Nubia left no written records, leaving its story to be told by others-first by their rivals and sometimes enemies, the Egyptians. Early 20th century archaeologists, including the MFA’s own George Reisner, brought preconceived notions and prejudices to their interpretations of African cultures, further obscuring Nubia’s grandeur. Preparations for a major exhibition of Nubian art in 2019 led the MFA to reconsider Nubia in light of new information, new interpretations, and voices from outside the museum world. This talk will discuss the planning of the exhibition and lessons learned from the planning.

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Von Menschen, Tieren und Göttern in Assiut zur Zeit des Neuen Reiches

Maandag 25 januari, 18.30 uur

Spreker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Die erste Mainzer Freundeskreis-Veranstaltung in digitaler Form eignet sich dafür, nun das Bildmaterial zu Grab N13.1 und den zahlreichen Besuchergraffiti in der Nekropole von Assiut vorzustellen und zu kommentieren, zumal zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem gerade die zugehörige zweibändige, gemeinschaftliche Mainzer Publikation dieses Materials erschienen ist. Es handelt sich um ca. 250 Texte und Zeichnungen des Neuen Reiches und der islamischen Zeit, die von Svenja A. Gülden, Eva Gervers, Youssef Ahmed-Mohamed und der Vortragenden seit über zehn Jahren dokumentiert und analysiert wurden. Die Texte erzählen von Menschen, die den Nekropolenberg und umliegende Tempel besuchten, Götter verehrten, die alte Grabdekoration studierten und ihre Kenntnis altägyptischer Literatur bekundeten. In den arabischen Graffiti finden sich ebenfalls Gebete und Weisheiten, aber auch Hinweise auf eine Scheich-Bestattung und auf einen Besuch von Fürst Pückler-Muskau.

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Loaves and Fishes: The economy of “building” the pyramids

Dinsdag 26 januari, 12.00 uur | donderdag 28 januari, 18.00 uur

When people ask “how were the pyramids built?” they are usually thinking about the engineering of the construction, not about the phenomenal level of careful planning and logistics that had to be in place in order for the project to even begin to be possible. One critically important aspect that is rarely considered is the provision of food – bread, meat, beer, fish – to the teams involved. This talk will present current research on evidence for the logistics of providing to the “workers” at Giza in the 3rd Millennium BC.

Dr Claire Malleson is Assistant Professor of Archaeology at the American University of Beirut, and Director of Archaeological Science for Ancient Egypt Research Associates. She specializes in the study of ancient Egyptian plant remains, and agriculture.

Inschrijven: 26 januari | 28 januari

Cleopatra: Tomb, baths and birth-house

Woensdag 27 januari, 19.00 uur

Spreker: Dr. Chris Naunton
Kosten: £5

Cleopatra is perhaps one of most famous figures in the ancient world and yet little of what we know about her comes from archaeological evidence in Egypt. The story of her final days is well know and classical accounts tell us a little of her tomb and where it was, but it has never been found. She created a myth that she was Isis and her son, Horus – to help establish their legitimacy – and yet these crucially important scenes were lost over a century ago. Famously she bathed in milk and yet the ‘baths of Cleopatra’ which were a must-see for 19th Century travellers have now disappeared. What happened, and how can Egyptologists’ records help us to retrieve what has been lost?

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How to manage an Egyptian temple in the Roman Period

Donderdag 28 januari, 15.00 uur

Spreker: Dr. Maren Schentuleit (Oxford)
Kosten: £5

In this lecture we will focus on the temple in Dimê an ancient settlement north of the Birket Qarun, the lake in the Fayum oasis. The large building once dominated this place, which the Greeks called Soknopaiou Nesos—the ‘Island of Soknopaios’, i.e. the crocodile-headed god Sobek in his local form as the ‘Lord of Pai’. The impressive ruins which are still preserved are the remains of a building probably erected between 100 BCE and about 50 CE. Egyptian temples were places of cult and religious worship, but also economic centres and Dimê and its temple offer like hardly any other place a rich material for the study of the temple economy, organization of the human resources (cult personnel and craftsmen), the cult as well as the everyday life.

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Heliopolis in motion. Aegyptiaca and the Roman objectscape

Vrijdag 29 januari, 18.15 uur

Spreker: Miguel John Versluys (Leiden)

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Does the Past Have a Future? The Work of the Theban Mapping Project

Zaterdag 30 januari, 19.00 uur

Spreker: Dr. Kent Weeks

The Theban Mapping Project (TMP) began work in 1979. Its goal was to prepare a comprehensive map of the Theban Necropolis, starting with the Valley of the Kings, and to make detailed plans of its archaeological remains. It was the first project of its kind to work in Egypt. In 1989, the TMP rediscovered the entrance to KV 5, a tomb whose location had been known for centuries but which was believed to be small, badly damaged, and of no interest. When the TMP discovered that KV 5 was in fact a family mausoleum for multiple sons of Rameses II and the largest tomb in the Valley of the Kings, it made headlines around the world. The TMP established a website,, to provide reports on its work for a fascinated public quickly becoming one of the most visited sites on the internet. was used as a research tool by scholars and as an introduction to Egyptology by students of all ages. It received over one million hits monthly until it crashed in 2010 and could not be restored. Today, thanks to ARCE, the website is back up, and can again provide up to date information on Thebes and its monuments for a wide audience.

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