
Lezingen in februari

Zondag 7 februari, 15.00 uur

Prof. Salima Ikram (American University in Cairo)
Divine Protection: Ancient Egyptian Vernacular Shrines in the Eastern Sahara

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Maandag 8 februari, 18.00 uur

Matthew Cobb (University of Wales)
The port of Berenike and the Red Sea trade in Late Antiquity

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Dinsdag 9 februari, 12.00 uur / donderdag 11 februari, 18.00 uur

Dr Nora Shalaby (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
The Abydos Paper Archive: Exploring Egyptian Histories from Early Egyptology

The recent discovery of thousands of archival documents in a storeroom inside the Temple of Seti I in Abydos represents a significant and valuable dataset that can contribute to a more holistic history of the discipline that involves actors who have traditionally been sidelined.

Inschrijven: 9 februari | 11 februari

Dinsdag 9 februari, 18.00 uur

Antonio J.Morales (University of Alcalá)
Early Middle Kingdom elite officials and royal strategies at Thebes

In the last four years, the University of Alcalá Expedition and its Middle Kingdom Theban Project have set up a multidisciplinary and international team of experts that have been conducted archaeological excavation, epigraphic work, and conservation in several tombs in the area of Deir el-Bahari, with the major goal of improving our knowledge on the historical circumstances of the later part of the Eleventh Dynasty and the beginning of the so-called “Classical Period”.

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Dinsdag 9 februari, 18.00 uur

Dr. Pavel Onderka (Nationaal Museum Praag)
Bes in Nubia: The Typhonium at Wad Ben Naga


Zaterdag 13 februari, 18.00 uur

Dr. Campbell Price (Manchester Museum)
Sex, Art, and Death in Greco-Roman Egypt

The exhibition Golden Mummies of Egypt explores multicultural expectations for the afterlife using more than 100 objects from the Manchester Museum’s world-renowned collection. This virtual lecture by Dr. Campbell Price interrogates the functions of the exhibition objects, assessing the impact of the expectations of modern viewers and evaluating the particular seductive attraction of painted portraits and gilded mummies.


Woensdag 17 februari, 18.30 uur

Renée Friedman (Oxford)
Exploring the City of the Falcon: Egypt’s first capital at Hierakonpolis

Hierakonpolis has long been famous as the home of the palette of King Narmer, a potent icon for the birth of Egyptian civilization at ca. 3100 BC. However, ongoing work at the site is now extending back our view of its development by some 500 years. Explorations in the elite cemetery HK6 have revealed tombs of the local rulers, who expressed their power not only in the elaborate architecture and contents of their sizable graves, but also with the people and intriguing array of animals they took with them to the afterlife. Exotic animals, such as elephants, a leopard, troops of baboons and more, attest to a veritable royal menagerie, and give us a tantalizing glimpse at the complex rituals that must have surrounded their burials.

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Woensdag 17 februari, 20.00 uur

Dimitry Laboury (Université de Liège)
In the workshop of an Ancient Egyptian sculptor: The estate of the chief royal sculptor Thutmose at Akhet-Aten (Amarna)

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Woensdag 17 februari, 20.30 uur

Emmet Jackson, PhD Candidate (University of Exeter)
Irish Women in Egypt: Travels of Lady Harriet Kavanagh & Frances Power Cobbe

Kosten: £2.50 voor niet-leden

Lady Harriet Kavanagh and Frances Power Cobbe are two of the more notable Irish female travellers to Egypt in the 19th century. Drawing on published and unpublished diaries and their letters from Egypt this talk will introduce the travels and antiquarian collections of these two extraordinary Irish Women.


Donderdag 18 februari, 18.00 uur

Ellie Jones (University of Oxford)
Terms of Gendered Representation: Reassessing the Role of Elite Women in early-mid 18th Dynasty Funerary Iconography from Thebes and El-Kab

Ancient Egyptian tomb iconography has been interpreted with two main functions: successful transition to the afterlife (rebirth) and self-presentation. The funerary portrayals of elite women have primarily been explained through the former function, focusing on how their sexuality and fertility assisted in the rebirth of the (male) tomb owner. This lecture, which summarises the speaker’s DPhil research, takes a wider perspective, exploring the potential meanings encoded in the depiction of female relatives in order to reassess this gendered dichotomy in the interpretation of ancient Egyptian tomb iconography.


Donderdag 18 februari, 19.30 uur

Silvia Štubňová Nigrelli PhD
Life in Ramesside Deir el-Medina: in the footprints of the scribe Qenherkhepshef

Kosten: Gratis voor donateurs en studenten, € 5,- voor niet-donateurs
Voertaal: Engels

Deir el-Medina is een bekende site gelegen op de Thebaanse westoever. Vroeger werd deze site bewoond door de werklieden en ambachtslieden die, tijdens het Nieuwe Rijk, de graven in de Vallei der Koningen en de Vallei der Koninginnen bouwden en versierden. Het dorp heeft Egyptologen voorzien van een unieke reeks materialen en gegevens over de oude bewoners. In deze lezing zullen we kijken hoe het was om in het dorp tijdens de Ramessidentijd te leven door in de voetsporen te treden van een van de bekendste schriftgeleerden van het dorp, Qenherkhepshef.


Zaterdag 20 februari, 14.45 uur

Paul Whelan
The Symbiosis of King and Cult – Abydos in the Old Kingdom

Kosten: £3 voor SAES-leden, £6 for niet-leden

This lecture will look at the ancient cult centre of Abydos during the Old Kingdom, which was one of the most formative periods in its history. Looking primarily from a royal perspective, the available evidence reveals the evolving physical and spiritual landscape at Abydos from the 4th – 6th Dynasties and how the royal presence there changed over this time.

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Maandag 22 februari, 18.00 uur

Julien Cooper (UIC Zhuhai)
Desert Politics: State formation in the Egyptian Eastern Desert and the ‘Rise of the Blemmyes’

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Dinsdag 23 februari, 20.00 uur

Dr. René Preys (KUL/UNamur)
Epigrafie in Karnak: de tempel van Amon tijdens de Grieks-Romeinse periode

Kosten: €4 voor niet-leden

Tijdens de Grieks-Romeinse periode werd in de tempel van Amon in Karnak vooral gebouwd en gerestaureerd op de as van de tempel. De epigrapfische missies van de UNamur en de KULeuven bestuderen al 10 jaar lang de activiteiten van de Ptolemaeën in Karnak. In deze lezing wordt vooral het werk van de graveurs en de schilders bekeken. Hoe hebben ze de decoratie op de muren aangebracht? Met hoeveel waren ze aan het werk? Hoeveel tijd nam het om een monument te versieren? En hoe kan hun werk ons helpen de monumenten te dateren?


Woensdag 24 februari, 20.00 uur

Aaron de Souza (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Vile Kush came: New thoughts on Egyptian-Nubian relations at the dawn of the 18th dynasty

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